martes, 24 de noviembre de 2020


 Hi everyone! Today I’m going to talk about my favorite series.

I have to say that I watched a lot of series to be honest, so it’s kind of difficult for me to decide just for one. But well, I must say that one of my favorite series is Anne with an E. I really love this series because tells the story of an orphan girl called Anne Shirley. A girl with an incredible imagination, amazing dreams and values, she is kind, honest, and so innocent! This story is situated in XIX century, where mans ruled the world and women were supposed to stay at home with the kids. Anne is intelligent, and ambitious. She wants to be happy and successful too. Doesn't exist difference between boys and girls for her, and that is what make her and incredible character. And her point of view is absolutely modern and revolutionary for the people who live with her. See how she influence in their lives and their archaic traditions is amazing.


The kind of stories I love are the ones where the protagonist is a badass woman. It always inspires me to keep going and never give up. But I need to admit that I prefer to read books about that kind of stories, it’s a thousand times better.  

I would like to see Gambit Queen. I haven’t seen that series yet because I’m waiting to finish my tasks and exams first but I hope to do it soon!

9 comentarios:

  1. Hello Fernanda!
    I really think you have convinced me to watch that series, it sounds great.
    And the truth is that if it fills the heart to see stories of women fighters who did great feats.
    Like you, I think I'll watch these series when all the homework is finally over haha. Greetings that you are well!

  2. I agree with you, "Anne" is an absolute masterpiece! It is absolutely amazing. It’s funny, it’s heartwarming, the story never goes bad. Anne is a cool funny beautiful character. I would recommend this to anyone.

  3. Hi Feña, I love this series with all my heart, when I saw it I swear my head exploded, I completely loved Anne's character and her thought so far ahead of her time, I certainly got very excited. It's a series that everyone should see, without a doubt.

  4. Hi Fernanda! I've never actually seen this series, but I've read some very good recommendations from it. And now that you mention the qualities of this series it has called my attention, I hope to see it soon, greetings

  5. Hello Fernanda, I find this series really very interesting and I think it will be the next one I will see, it has had very good comments.

  6. Hello Fernanda, I really liked that series in fact I saw it twice because once was not enough.
    I like the message you conveyed about very interesting topics today such as feminism, racism, sexual orientation and in the serious it reflects these issues very well.
    I can't believe there won't be any more seasons :(

  7. Hello Fernanda, it's looks great how do you describe the protagonist of the show, sometimes the main character of a serie may be so inspiring.



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