martes, 13 de octubre de 2020


     I must admit that there are a lot of countries that I would like to visit someday. But the country I really want to visit is Italy. Since I was at school, I remember that their culture and their history was something that always demanded my full attention. Where the most important pieces of art from expositors like Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli or Filippo Brunelleschi was something that I had always admired. But, in specific I’d like to visit the city of Florence because I’ve been obsessed with the Medici Dynasty and their importance not only for their own city, but with the whole country. 

I'm not saying that I'm agree with the kind of vision they used to had, but it's very interesting when you realize how they manipulated everything they could just to maintain their impire of power in Florence.

    To be honest I don’t know if I would settle myself there for living. I would like to travel like a tourist and enjoy in that way. I believe that if you want to move to a different country you should try to visit it first and learn all about what is going to surround you before making a choice of that size.

    But well, sometimes life takes a lot of turns and you never know where you’ll end up 👀😲

5 comentarios:

  1. As I heard out there, never say never hahaha uwu
    Maybe you can end up falling in love with their food, from what I read is amazing. Also the landscapes are beautiful!

  2. The Renaissance in Italy marked a whole generation especially in
    Firenze, among them also is the author of "the prince" Niccolò Machiavelli, the father of modern political science.

  3. Hi Feña, Italy is one of those countries with great exhibitors of art and culture. In addition, it has beautiful landscapes and cities.
    I hope you can visit it. Regards!

  4. Hello Fernanda, what a coincidence I would love to know Italy, I consider it a magic country surrounded by culture, art and fashion.
    It calls my attention a lot the language and the beauty of their landscapes, without place to certain I wait soon to travel and to know the whole beautiful Italy

  5. Feña, I love your post! However, I think there is something that reminds me of Italy more than everything you mentioned and it's very funny hahahahah...... "CALL ME BY YOUR NAME" 1313



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