martes, 27 de octubre de 2020

The best concert EVER!!

 The best concert of my whole life was in June 9th of 2019. It was in theater La Cúpula -a quite small place for a concert, in my opinion- located inside the O’Higgins Park. It’s incredible because just at the mere memory of that day I start to smile. It was the second time that The Neighbourhood presented in Chile. The first time it was at lollapalooza, but it was so expensive, so I just prayed for them to come back again someday :')

The Neighbourhood is an American alternative rock band from California, U.S. They’ve been together since 2011, but their first album “I LOVE YOU” was released on April 2013. I started to listen to them in 2014 thanks to the song Sweater Weather. And since that moment I fell in love immediately with the band. My favorite album is called "Wiped Out" and it's my bible.


So yes, I had to wait for like five years before I could see them sing in front of my eyes.

And that day was absolutely amazing.

The concert was in the night and it was so hot inside that theater. I went there with my sister and one of my best friends too and the location we got was perfect, near the stage and without so many people around. And the way I felt during the show it was perfect. I enjoyed every single song and felt the incredible music inside my bones. It was the moment I’ve wait my whole life and I was willing to live it like it was supposed to be, how I wanted to live, and never forget. Of course I was screaming like a crazy, it was a really euphoric day!!!

martes, 13 de octubre de 2020


     I must admit that there are a lot of countries that I would like to visit someday. But the country I really want to visit is Italy. Since I was at school, I remember that their culture and their history was something that always demanded my full attention. Where the most important pieces of art from expositors like Leonardo da Vinci, Sandro Botticelli or Filippo Brunelleschi was something that I had always admired. But, in specific I’d like to visit the city of Florence because I’ve been obsessed with the Medici Dynasty and their importance not only for their own city, but with the whole country. 

I'm not saying that I'm agree with the kind of vision they used to had, but it's very interesting when you realize how they manipulated everything they could just to maintain their impire of power in Florence.

    To be honest I don’t know if I would settle myself there for living. I would like to travel like a tourist and enjoy in that way. I believe that if you want to move to a different country you should try to visit it first and learn all about what is going to surround you before making a choice of that size.

    But well, sometimes life takes a lot of turns and you never know where you’ll end up 👀😲


       Well, first I have to say that I think its kind of weird imagine myself making plans for summer because of the covid19 context and th...