domingo, 6 de diciembre de 2020


     Well, first I have to say that I think its kind of weird imagine myself making plans for summer because of the covid19 context and the sooner regrown of positive cases. But I will tell you about the plans I would like to do if we were in normal times.

    This year my grandma moved to La Unión, Osorno. She was sick of the city and wanted to live a better life, so she returned to the place where she was born.

    La Unión would be the place I would like to visit this summer. My paternal family is from the south of Chile and I haven’t been there since 2006 or so. It would be nice to know the new house and the beautiful landscapes.

    I would love to see my cousins, aunts, uncles, my Nona and Rosi. The last one is my nona’s house made, I love her so much. She is like a grandmother to me and I’m so grateful to have her in my life. And of course, I want to see my dog, Lukas I miss him so much.

    I would like to ride a bike and go with my sister and my dad to the places where he used to live. I think go to the Ranco Lake, maybe go to camping (we love to do that), or just staying home sharing stories with the family is something that I’d appreciate to do.

    I’m not thinking in work or studying during summer, I just want to lay in my bed, watch series on Netflix, read all the books I’ve been postponing and of course take a break from classes. I think my eyes are square from being on the computer so much. I JUST CAN'T HANDLE ANYMORE!


       Well, first I have to say that I think its kind of weird imagine myself making plans for summer because of the covid19 context and th...